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Barn Owl (Tyto alba)
Scopoli, 1769. 32 subspecies recognized, here is shown the nominal one.
Videos (1)
2 votes
Extremelly polytypic species, with 32 different subspecies, and very wide geographic variation. It occupies all continents, salving Antarctica. In western and southern Europe the occurring race is the nominal one, completely white on face and underparts. Upperparts are orangish-brown and grey. Facial disc with characteristic heart-like shape and black eyes. The rest of races vary in coloration, from the palest ones to the darkest ones, with total absence of white and tending to chestnut or cream general colors.
It doesn't show a significative sexual dimorphism, although females tend to be darker.
In Villafafila area, the abundance of old buildings where they nest and roost, and the vast open fields where they feed generate a very favourable habitat for this species.
Family Tytonidae (Barn-Owls)
1/ 16 species available
Villafáfila, Zamora, Castilla y León, Spain, Palearctic Region
Date: 18 december 2009
Author: Alex García
Available videos (1)